Mike's Climber App

Name: [NAG] Mike 

Ingame Name: CT PVT 2025 Mike

Age: 14

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CmmdrTrauma/

Time in GMOD: 823 hours

Time In Server: About a week but it says 1 day 6 hours

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197779472

Battalion/Regiment applying for: Ion Team Climber 

Experience with StarwarsRP: I have a lot of experience on StarwarsRP and I have seen every star Wars film and tv show.

Knowledge on your battalion: 100%

Do you understand the lore of the battalion: Yes 

Why do you think you should get this position?:  I think I should get this position because Ion Team has been doing well in its own without a CO but they just do their own thing. I have been a Commander and Commanding Officer on many StarwarsRP servers and my Battlions came out perfect. They were disciplined, inteligente, and combat ready all the time. I want to make Ion Team be more strategic so when there is a mission we can be more organized. I have a lot of skill and potential and I want to give that to those who can too. I will do training at least once a week to make surethat my troopers are still combat ready. If they do anything bad I will punish them. "Experience out ranks everything" said the great Captain Rex of the 501st Torret Company.

Are you active on Elemental Networks?: Yes very

Are you aware if you are inactive for 4 days with no further notice you will be demoted from your position?: Yes 

Are you aware that you cannot apply if you have issues joining the server?: Yes and I don't have any issues joining the server.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes 

How available are you?: Anytime

Who is the Jedi General if any?(If not, put none): Jedi General Roan Shryne

Clone Leader(s): RC-0106 Climber

What does your battalion do?(MIN. 3 Sentences): Ion Team a highly trained elite squadron of the Grand Army of the Republic. They are clone commados and they were sometimes sent on search and rescue missions. Ion Team was a unit of clone commados ached to the 22nd Air Combat Wing. They are a elite Military Squad. Ion Team fought in the battle of Neko Neimoidia. They were later dispatched from Boz Poty to the Battle of Murkhana. 

What is the Golden Rule?: Never shoot another brother.

What is the Silver Rule?: Never leave another brother behind.

What is a Minge?: A minge is someone who failrps and trys to ruin the server. They are annoying and have to ruin peoples days.

Who is the Owner?: Atlas is the owner and Funkypugs is Founder

What do you do if you are retreating from direct fire and a trooper is left behind?: I would stop and get him because I would not leave another brother behind.

What is your course of action when you are injured in combat? Do you fight those clankers? Or Do you fall back to the medics?: I would fight the clankers so I wouldn't put anyone else in my current situation so they wouldn't get hurt like me.

If you are covering a base and you have orders not to engage enemies, and a mandalorian sniper shoots at you while you are in an area with very little cover?: I would have the whole base on lockdown and get reinforcements so no one gets hurt. I would also order for a set of barricades or use something for cover.

Do you promise to be active?: I promise

Why should we pick you over another applicant?: I think you should pock me over the other applicants because I have a lot of experience in commanding battlions and troopers. I use hand eye coordination. I feel what my troopers feel and I make sure that they are alright. I do basic training with them to always keep them on their heels so we are never caught with our pants down.

What makes you a good commander?: What makes me a good commander is my hard work and determination. I have been a commander on many servers they have either been shut down, dead, or I resigned. I lead my troops into battle knowing that they can handle themselves. I use strategys and they work effectively. I have the brains and the bronze to show for it.

Experience out ranks everything~Captain Rex of the 501st Legion, Torrent Company.
